Ready to Feel Lighter & Look Great?

Personalized Nutrition Plan To Reach Your Weight Management Goals!

Our nutrition plans can help you:

Slim down

Set on a path to Shine & Look your Best.

Increase Energy

Ditch the Slumps & Embrace All-Day Energy

Build Immunity Shield

Personalized Vitamins & Minerals to Stay Healthy.

Break the Cycle

Discover Your Roadmap for Lasting Results.

What to Expect?

Personalized approach: We start with an in-depth assessment to tailor a plan just for you.

Delicious, easy meals: Enjoy daily meal plans that fit your preferences and schedule.

Vitamins & Minerals optimization: If needed, recommendations for medical treatments & supplements for your body needs.

Exercise Prescription: Get custom exercise plans that fits seamlessly into your life.

Sustainable weight loss: Lose around 1 kg per week in a healthy way without side-effects.

24/7 support: I’m here for you! So you can ask questions, get guidance, and stay motivated throughout your journey.

Nutrition Prescription & Assessment Dr Diet Clinic
Detailed Assessment & Prescription
Nutrition Meal Plan Dr Diet
Personalized Meal Plans
Tracking Progress Every Step

Struggling With Weight Loss?​

Tried restrictive diets? Lost weight, then gained it back? You’re not alone! This cycle of frustration is common. Let’s break it!

Imagine This:

You follow a boring plan, counting every bite feeling super hungry.
It’s no fun! Parties and even movie nights become stressful – you want to eat cake (who doesn’t!).
The cravings take over, and the weight comes back, maybe even more than beforeYou feel discouraged and give up.

Break the cycle with plans just for you!

There’s a better way!
We create a personalized plan you’ll love, with delicious foods you actually enjoy.
No more feeling like you’re missing out! You’ll learn healthy habits that last, not just quick fixes. Let’s ditch the boring diets and feel great together!

Nutrition Services:

Weight Management

Weight Assessment & Management (Loss or Gain).

Sports Nutrition

Exercise & Diet plans for Athletes. Supplements & Ergogenic Aids.

Metabolic Syndrome

Managing Hypertension, Diabetes and Dyslipidemia.

Pregnancy & Lactation & Childhood

Nourishing Every Stage for moms & babies from pregnancy to childhood.

👋 Hi There! I'm Ahmed

Ahmed ElSayed Aboelatta

Licensed Physical Therapist and Clinical Nutrition Specialist (Wales, UK).
Having worked with countless patients over the years i realized that:

More than 60% of chronic issues I encountered stemmed from factors like
overweight and unhealthy eating habits.

This realization sparked a passion in me to address the root cause of
these problems So You can feel your best, and enjoy a vibrant, healthy life!

Worked in:
– Al-Agouza Hospital.
– Souad Kafafi Hospital
– Al Wafaa W Amal Hospital
National Railways Hospital

Can't Wait to Meet You!

Dr. Ahmed S. Atta

Ahmed ElSayed Aboelatta

Worked in:
– Al-Agouza Hospital.
– Souad Kafafi Hospital
– Al Wafaa W Amal Hospital
National Railways Hospital

Our Happy Clients!

"I struggled with dieting for years. Working with Dr Ahmed was a game-changer. He created a personalized plan that fit my food preferences and lifestyle. Now, I'm finally losing weight in a healthy way and feel more energized than ever!"
Hania Ibrahim
"I highly recommend Ahmed to anyone seeking a trustworthy and knowledgeable medical nutrition consultant in Egypt. His personalized approach, cultural sensitivity, organization skills and prescriptions make him an outstanding choice!"
Omar Hesham
"As a competitive swimmer, I needed better performance. Dr. Abu el-atta's knowledge of sports nutrition was impressive. His guidance on pre and post-workout meals made a huge difference in my training and competition results."
Ahmed Karem
Sharm El Sheikh
"After having kids, I couldn't lose the baby weight. Dr Ahmed patiently answered all my questions and addressed my concerns. He understood my frustrations and created a realistic plan that helped me shed those stubborn kilos. I recommend him!"
Aisha Youssef
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